J-TAD (macro):
ITARDA maintains a huge and all-inclusive database of the traffic accidents in Japan. The data has been accumulated and provided by the government. Traffic Accidents Data and Drivers' Licenses Data are provided by the National Police Agency. Vehicle Registrations Data and Road Traffic Census Data are provided by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
The unique feature of Japan's Traffic Accidents Data is that Japan's police investigates all the fatal and injury traffic accident cases and registers records of all the cases without exception. Police investigations always include on-the-scene examinations and are actually prerequisite for the insurance payment.
Furthermore, it contains quite comprehensive information on traffic accidents, including the following items:
-- date and time of accident, day or night, weather;
-- location type (urban or not), road type, traffic lights, road width and other road environments;
-- detailed type of accident
-- age, gender, occupation, driver's license and other information on the persons concerned;
-- type of vehicle, seatbelt use, and other information on the vehicles concerned;
-- causes of accident, type of violation, speed of vehicles;
-- level of injury, primarily injured body part, vehicle part inflicting injury;
and so on.
Combining comprehensive accidents data with drivers' licenses data, vehicle registrations data and other data, ITARDA maintains a huge and all-inclusive database for statistical studies of traffic accidents. This is the so-called Japan Traffic Accidents General Database, J-TAD(macro).
J-TAD (micro):
ITARDA maintains a database of selected accidents into which in-depth investigations, as described in the following paragraph, have been conducted by ITARDA. It is called Japan Traffic Accidents In-Depth Database, J-TAD(micro)
In order to obtain more detailed and comprehensive knowledge of traffic accident causation and injury mechanism, ITARDA conducts on-site in-depth investigations of selected accidents, collecting information on every aspect of the traffic environments, vehicles and persons concerned.
For this purpose, ITARDA has established Tsukuba Traffic Accident Investigation Office at the city of Tsukuba in the suburb of Tokyo.
With Japan Traffic Accidents Databases, ITARDA conducts studies and analyses on traffic accidents in order to contribute to developing effective and efficient traffic safety measures in various fields.
Publications and Lectures:
ITARDA publishes books and booklets and also provides lectures and seminars, in order to disseminate the fruit of the research and analysis and to provide knowledge and ideas related to road safety.The publications include reports of various research and analysis on traffic accidents, annual statistical booklets and a periodical.
"ITARDA INFORMATION" is the periodical, which aims to disseminate the fruit of the research and analysis to the general public, and its English version can be seen on this website.
"Daily Fatalities", which you can see on this website too, is an example of various statistics where fatalities means "24-hour fatalities".
ITARDA communicates and exchanges information with the institutes abroad. ITARDA is a member of OECD's IRTAD, that is an abbreviation for the International Road Traffic and Accident Database and that also includes the International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (known as the IRTAD Group).