1. Overview of traffic accidents in 2008
  Looking at the type of traffic accidents involving injuries and deaths in 2008 (Fig. 1), "vehicle-to-vehicle" collisions account for the largest part, with 86% of the total 770,000 accidents recorded. "Single-vehicle" accidents account for only 5% in these statistics, but the percentage goes up to 20% in the case of only accidents involving deaths (Fig. 2).

Furthermore, the fatal accident rate for single-vehicle accidents has remained high in the past 13 years from 1996 to 2008 (Fig. 3), though steadily declining, with the rate in 2008 still being 3.19%.

In this issue of ITARDA Information, we analyze the characteristics of single-vehicle accidents with a high fatality rate, as well as the typical settings in which this type of accident occurs.

Fig. 1: Types of fatal/injury accidents (2008)

Fig. 2: Types of fatal accidents (2008)

Fig. 3: Trend in fatal accident rate by accident type (2008) (Fatal accident rate = Number of fatal accidents / Number of fatal and injury accidents)



Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis (ITARDA)