no73 2008
Repetition of Car Accidents and Traffic Violations

  Rapid technological innovation has made driving much safer, with road traffic environment having improved and car performance having become even better.
  But traffic accidents still happen every day. This issue of ITARDA INFORMATION investigates why, focusing on drivers who repeatedly cause accidents and violate traffic rules.

Section 1 Drivers Who Repeatedly Cause Accidents

Section 2 Drivers Who Have Repeated Traffic Violations
2-1 Violations Increase the Possibility of Accidents
2-2 Characteristics of Violations
2-3 Patterns of Traffic Violations
Section 3 Relationship between Accidents and Traffic Offences

Section 4 Measuring the Tendency toward Accidents


  Some drivers were more prone to repeating accidents than others. Drivers who repeatedly violated traffic rules in the past tended to cause accidents and commit more traffic offences as well.
  Analysis of violations showed that some drivers commit the same type of offence repeatedly, while others violate a variety of other rules as well.Violations could also be categorized into fewer components. Moreover, there were differences in the type of accidents depending on what kind of violations drivers tended to commit. Furthermore, drivers who completed traffic offenders' courses displayed differences in their tendency to cause accidents, due to divergences in task aptitudes and psychological traits.
  To avoid repeating accidents, it is important to have adequate knowledge and experience about what
safe driving involves and an awareness of the risks that lead to accidents.
It is also essential to know what type of driver you are.
  Once you have had an accident, always be sure to review your driving aptitude, the kind of violations you are prone to commit, your knowledge of safe driving, and your overall driving skills. For instance:
- Are you over-optimistic about your possibility of getting into an accident?
- Do you drive as your emotions prompt you?
- Do you stubbornly adhere to what you are used to?
- Do you know what safe driving involves?
- Do you drive when you are overtired?

  For your own safety, check these items off one by one.

Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis (ITARDA)