Section 3 Trends in participation by age group and transportation mode
  The following are summaries of observed results of trends in the mode of transportation used for several of the characteristic age groups.

  1) As shown in Fig. 5, the component ratio of bicycles in the 01-17 age group is extremely high. While bicycle use comprised 50% of the component ratio in 1996 for this age group, it increased to as much as 70% in 2005. Use of other transportation modes by participants is continuing to decline.
  2) As shown in Fig. 6, the 35-44 age group is characterized as having the highest component ratio (approximately 85%) of automobiles. This has gradually declined as the component ratio of bicycles increased.
  3) As shown in Fig. 7, there appears to be a remarkable increase in the component ratio of automobiles for the 75 and over group. In contrast, walking and bicycling has fallen significantly.

  The 65-74 age group is not tracked in any of the charts; however, it does show features similar to that of the 75 and older age group.
Fig. 5  Transportation component ratio (Ages 01-17)
Fig. 6  Transportation component ratio (Ages 35-44)
Fig. 7  Transportation component ratio (Ages 75 and over)


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Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis (ITARDA)