Following are some samples of sideswipe collisions and right-turn collisions at intersections.

Sample 1
Figure 10 -- Oversight and Error of Decision-making Due to Mistaken Assumption at Intersection with Unobstructed View
Party A
1, Approached at c.30 km/h an intersection with a stop sign and an unobstructed view.
2, Never a busy path and so drove into intersection with checking carefully.
Error of perception: No vehicle expected/mistaken assumption = Could have seen but did not look
Party B
1, Drove into intersection at c.50 km/h
2, Was aware of Party A but judged that Party A would stop for stop sign.
Error of decision-making and prediction: The other party should stop for the stop sign/mistaken assumption

1, Even if they never see cars at some intersection, drivers must not neglect to check for them.
2, Other drivers do not always stop for stop signs.

Sample 2
Figure 11 -- Traveller in Shadow of Bridge Pier Overlooked
Party A
1, Stopped near center of intersection to wait to make a right turn at an intersection with a traffic light.
2, Began right turn since no vehicle seemed to be coming head-on.
3, Identified Party B coming from beyond bridge pier shortly after starting turn.
*Error of perception: Defective visibility (shadow of bridge pier) =Would not have seen even if looking
*Error of decision-making and prediction: No vehicle assumed in shadow of obstruction (bridge pier): Panic

1, People and vehicles always are present in the shadows of obstructions.

Sample 3
Figure 12 -- Error of decision-making with Respect to Other Party's Distance and Speed
Party A
1, Drove into intersection on green light and stopped near center of intersection to make a right turn.
2, Let several oncoming vehicles pass.
3, At a pause in oncoming traffic, perceived no oncoming vehicles and judged it possible to pass.
*Error of decision-making and prediction: Oncoming vehicle faster or slower/panic
Party B
1, Was aware of Party A up ahead, but judged that he would of course wait and give way.
*Error of decision-making and prediction: Can pass first/mistaken assumption
1, When making a right turn at an intersection, it is easy to rush to conclusions of decision-making and prediction even when not hurrying.
2, Take intersections with deceleration. Do not accelerate, even in error.

Sample 4
Figure 13 -- Other Party Overlooked Due to Over-reliance on Curve Mirror
Party A
1, Paused at intersection with stop sign but poor visibility.
2, Checking curve mirror for traffic, drove into intersection.
3, Dirty curve mirror caused too much time checking for traffic and vehicle coming from right overlooked.
*Error of perception: Looking elsewhere/attention on objects other than collision partner
= Could have seen but did not look
Party B
1, Drove into intersection thinking of nothing in particular.
*Error of decision-making and prediction: Though no one was on intersecting path/carelessness
1, Curve mirrors may not always be clean. Always check with your own eyes before proceeding.
2, There is no telling what will happen, especially at intersections with poor visibility, so one needs to go slowly.

Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis (ITARDA)